[Raku CSS Project] / [CSS-TagSet] / CSS::TagSet
A role to perform tag-specific stylesheet loading, and styling based on tags and attributes.
This is the base role for tag-sets, including CSS::TagSet::XHTML, CSS::TagSet::Pango, and CSS::TagSet::TaggedPDF.
method stylesheet
method stylesheet(LibXML::Document $doc) returns CSS::Stylesheet;
An abstract method to build the stylesheet associated with a document; both from internal styling elements and linked stylesheets.
This method currently only extracts self-contained internal style-sheets. It neither currently processes @include
at-rules or externally linked stylesheets.
method inline-style
method inline-style(Str $tag, Str :$style) returns CSS::Properties;
Default method to parse an inline style associated with the tag, typically the inline style is computed from the style
method tag-style
method tag-style(Str $tag, Str *%atts) returns CSS::Properties
Abstract method to compute a specific style, based on a tag-name and any additional tag attributes. This method must be implemented, by the class instance.
By convention, this method vivifies a new empty CSS::Properties object, if the tag was previously unknown.
method base-style
method tag-style(str $tag) returns CSS::Properties
Abstract rule to