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CSS Tag Mappings (for HTML, Pango, Tagged-PDF)

[Raku CSS Project] / [CSS-TagSet] / CSS::TagSet :: XHTML




adds XHTML specific styling based on tags and attributes.


method inline-style

method inline-style(Str $tag, :$style, *%atts) returns CSS::Properties

Parses an inline style as a CSS Property list.

method tag-style

method tag-style(Str $tag, *%atts) returns CSS::Properties

Adds any further styling based on the tag and additional attributes.

For example the XHTML i tag implies font-style: italic.

method link-pseudo(
    Str() $state,              # typically: 'active', 'focus', 'hover' or 'visited'
    $elem, # XML element

By default, all tags of type a, link and area match against the link pseudo.

This method can be used to set individual links to a state of active, focus, hover or visited to simulate other interactive states for styling purposes. For example:

# simulate clicking the first element that matches <a id="foo"/>
my CSS::TagSet::XHTML $tag-set .= new;
my $some-visited-link = $doc.first('//a[@id="foo"]');
$'visited', $some-visited-link) = True;
my $css .= new: :$doc, :$tag-set;

# this query now returns the above element


method stylesheet-content(
    $doc,                # document to process
    Bool :$links,        # whether to follow stylesheet links
    CSS::Media :$media,  # optional CSS::Media object
) returns Array[Str]

This method extracts internal stylesheet content from blocks in the HTML head block.

If the :$links flag is True, stylesheet links of the form will also be followed. In this case an optional :$media object may also be passed for filtering of links with a media=”" media selection.